Sunday, January 10, 2016

Brown bag vs. Eating out ! Are you making a smart decision ?

According to visa survey 2015, an American spends $53 a week and a total of $2746 a year on meals bought from cafeteria or fast food joints. We all have started relying on pre-made meals, pre cut vegetables and restaurant take outs rather than following old school habit of brown bags,carrying lunch from home or buying whole vegetables. Mostly a good percentage of population spends close to 3k each year to get closer to the goal of getting sick and becoming a brand ambassador for a newly break out diseases in our country .

Food is the most integral part of our lives; we spend more than 10% of our income on buying groceries and dining out. I agree to the idea of dining out or buying lunch occasionally. But the issue of dinning out is more common than rare-the "unconscious spending" habit is creating rift with our pockets, budgets and with also our health.

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