While I was
graduating from my master’s program, I lived in a sort of a bubble that
having a degree, technical skills and polished writing skills will be
enough to sail through any job in this corporate world. Well Obviously I
was wrong and the bubble burst more quickly than anticipated! As I
started climbing the steps in my career, I stumbled upon several
conversations with my seniors during meetings, conferences, happy hour
and so on.. More I met my coworkers or seniors during work events, I got
more and more secluded in my cubicle. Did I become anti-social ? Did I
hate my job ? Well none of this was true. The issue was I used so much
technology as a medium to interact with other people that I almost lost
my soft skills on professional level.
issue was absolutely not uncommon. Mostly everybody at workplace, uses
one or other tech medium to interact with their bosses or coworkers.
Emails are the most common tool used in every organization to share,
interact or delegate any content,information or an order. To be precise,
workplace is losing human touch and interaction. We are almost droned
by tech gadgets and tools at work, restaurant and home. Can you recall,
the advertisement from “Chili’s” where you can order as well as pay your
food via Ipad. No human interactions at all. Even at work,
communicating with a fellow coworker over an email or a chat has become
more easier and comfortable instead of spending 15 minutes in lunchroom
or over a coffee or at his/her cubicle.
So how is all
this affecting us ? We have the most advanced version of communication
tools- email, Skype, chat, conference, newsletter and social media to
pass on the message but what is exactly missing here?
Well, we all are aware- We are losing our emotional and interpersonal skills to connect with another human being.
Especially for
young millennials, they are so heavily relied on technology and social
media that instead of interacting with a human, they chose social media
to express their happiness, boredom and frustration. The same young
millennials bring the same ethics to work, they consider professional
emails as texting. There writing skills are highly abbreviated and
unprofessional sometimes. In today’s highly educated world, it is very
easy to find technical knowledge but it is hard to identify a candidate
with mix of both technical and interpersonal skills.
How I fixed work ?
I am tech-savvy, I have personally started practicing to pick up phone
once in a while, and make a conversation with my coworkers or catch up
for a lunch.
When you talk to a person face to face, there are three major benefits
You will learn to make eye contact- there are times when I forget to
look into person eyes or my attention get diverted. Don’t look down or
stare at a wall and practice hard to look into people’s eye it helps you
to build inner confidence.
Body posture- stop putting hands in the pockets, making a fist or
playing with fingers or jewelry. Doing any of those things displays
nervousness, uncaring attitude and unprofessional behavior.
say, If you work from a remote location or from home, once in a while
pick up that phone and improve team-building opportunities with other
members of the team and if your schedule permits, invite your coworker
over a coffee or on lunch.
Even if you still prefer to write an email instead of face to face
conversation, demonstrate a happy attitude while writing an email-
instead of demonstrating stilted thank you over the success of the
project- try to personalize that email and make it more genuine.
How I fixed my confidence at work & home
can hide behind the walls of Internet and post bold statements via
social media. Instead use that bold attitude learn to display confidence
while you are in an interview or in a meeting or causal lunch catch up
with a coworker or a family member.
and I wont be able to display soft skills on a resume but we can surely
grab an opportunity during a interview, meeting or over a casual
meeting to display your soft skills.
Tip: Read “Pitch Perfect” by Bill McGowan- it will be worth $20 investment for your career , social and personal life.
Tips & Tricks
Team up with a team member at work or home to develop speaking skills.
Start analyzing conversation or point out mistakes to improvise your daily interactions.
Attend free public seminars, watch Ted Talks, participate in community public speaking, or pick a project to present at work.
Technology should be used to ease the work instead of replacing the human connections.
Check out my page www.smartliving24x7.com or email me with any suggestions you might have at smartliving24x7@gmail.com.